Weekly Zen practice in Frederiksberg and online via Zoom
PLEASE NOTE:Tuesday February 11, practice will be ONLINE ONLY via the zoom link below due to Esther traveling.
In Boundless Way Zen Copenhagen, we offer a weekly practice group in Frederiksberg, which also is accessible online, for everyone who is curious about what Zen has to offer.
We meet Tuesday nights from 19:00-20:00. Practice consists of a short sutra service, siting and walking meditation, dharma talk and dharma dialogue. Practice will be in English or Danish.
If you are new to Zen, please come on the first Tuesday of the month for a brief introduction. We ask that you let us know in advance on email to esorgenfrei@gmail.com
Address: Enten-Eller, Carl Ploughs vej 4C, kld., 1913 Frederiksberg C. Practice is open to everyone.
If you would like to join us online, use the following Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85331319371
For other times of online practice with the Boundless Way Zen North American and international sangha, please check out the Boundless Way website for the many online possibilities for practice that are offered:
DANA - a practice of generosity
Teachings and practice is offered freely by Boundless Way Zen teachers according to Buddhist tradition.
If you would like to give a donation, it is received with much gratitude, since we have expenses to rent, etc. Traditionally this is called Dana, which is a practice of generosity that supports the continuous offering of the teachings and practice in upholding the livelihood of the teacher.
Dana is a way that we engage in offering something back in return for the teachings and practice and how they enrich us in our lives.
You can offer Dana via
Mobilepay to 53 88 20 18
PayPal (to esorgenfrei@gmail.com)
Transfer to bank account (if you are in Denmark): Reg.nr. 9070 Account no.1635962247, Sparekassen Danmark.
What is Zen?
The essence of Zen is to live life with awareness and wakefulness in relationship to others.
On one hand Zen is the most important thing in our life. In Zen practice, we unveil a deeper form of knowing that has been there all along, about who we are and how we fit into the world.
On the other hand Zen is about in a concrete way to discover who we are, in the most simple moments of our everyday lives.
Zen has deep roots in the Buddha’s teachings, but is also enriched by Chinese philosophy and in our time it includes wisdom from cultures from all over the world.
Zen is for everyone that wishes to explore the contours of ones mind and the shape of ones heart.
Zen Meditation
As such Zen is focused on meditation disciplines, technologies for living one’s life i wakefulness and presence (vågenhed og nærvær)
Zen is not a theologi or a set of convictions. Zen practice invites us into a deeper relationship with this moment and teaches us to participate fully in our life as it unfolds.
We practice together and under guidance of a teacher, not to learn what someone else knows, but to uncover the wisdom and fulness of life that already is present within each and everyone of us.
The main discipline in Zen is Shikantaza which literally means “just sitting”. By just sitting, we allow ourselves to become intimate with our experience from moment to moment.
Shikantaza is both a way to, and an expression of, our basic sanity, wisdom and compassion. By cultivating and strengthening a basic friendliness toward ourselves, as we actually are, we begin to see that what we have been looking for, is already here.
Regular practice
The core of Zen is a regular meditation practice. We have to find the time in our lives to sit down, be quiet and attentive.
The central work in the sangha, a local community, within Boundless Way Zen is to support the individual practitioner through offering possibilities for meeting regularly and meditate together. Through this practice in community, we are supported and encouraged on the path to live with more wakefulness and compassion.