Boundless Way Zen practice has touched my life in more profound ways than anything else and continues to do so.
Boundless Way Zen (BoWZ) practice which has its roots in the Japanese Soto tradition, Soto reform Harada-Yatsutani Koan curriculum and in the Korean Linji-tradition.
David Dae An Rynick, Roshi, and Melissa Moyzen Blacker, Roshi, are my primary teachers. I met David and Melissa i Bordeaux i 2016. David and Melissa are a rare and wonderful coming together of great compassion and love and strong and clear heart minds.
My name is Esther Sorgenfrei Blom and my practice has been meditation and yoga for the past 22 years. I am a Shôken-student af David, received the precepts in June 2017 and I have been authorised to lead practice and teach the Dharma as Boundless Way Zen Assistant Teacher. I also offer dokusan, individual meetings about Zen, as part of my authorization, but I am not authorized to take Shôken-students.
Everyone who is invited to leadership in Boundless Way Zen as members of the Leadership Council, practice leaders, priests, assistant teachers, senior assistant teachers, and transmitted teachers within Boundless Way Zen agrees to conduct himself or herself in accordance with the Boundless Way Zen Ethics Code.
Link to the Ethics code:
At my Shuso Hossen ceremony in 2020 at the Boundless Way Temple in Worcester, USA, completing 3 weeks as practice leader of the yearly Sesshin.